Import Your Wallet Using a Seed Phrase

To start using BlockWallet, you can easily set up a new wallet with a new seed phrase or you can migrate to BlockWallet using an existing seed phrase from another self-custodial wallet, such as MetaMask or TrustWallet.

This article will help you understand how to import your existing accounts to BlockWallet.

Why import an Existing Wallet?

Importing your existing wallet to BlockWallet allows you to access your funds without transferring tokens or creating a new account. This process is quick and easy, making your transition to BlockWallet seamless.

What you will need

If you want to import your wallet, you will need your seed phrase - the private keys to your wallet. The seed phrase allows you to restore your account if you were to lose access to it.

How to import your wallet?

If you haven’t already, install the BlockWallet extension in your supported browser.

  • Click Get Started on the welcome screen.Welcome_to_BlockWallet.png
  • Click Import your wallet.
  • Select the length of your seed phrase (12 words is the most common length) and type it in the specified fields. You can also paste your seed phrase in any field.

  • Type a strong password and repeat your new password.
  • Click Import.Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 08.44.34.png
  • Click the extensions icon in your browser and look for BlockWallet. You can pin BlockWallet to your browser bar for easy access.
  • Set BlockWallet as your default browser wallet (optional) and click Start Using.

Congratulations! You have successfully imported your existing wallet into BlockWallet. Your funds and tokens should now be accessible through BlockWallet's interface.

Remember to keep your seed phrase safe and secure, as it is essential for account recovery and maintaining access to your funds.

Adding accounts

If you have already imported or created your seed phrase and you just want to create a fresh blockchain account, you can do that easily:

Start with BlockWallet
