BlockWallet - A Moonbeam Wallet

BlockWallet is a self-sufficient web3 wallet tailored to be perfect Moonbeam Wallet, providing users with a safe and efficient experience for their transactions.


Start on Solid Ground


High Performance

Public nodes are clogged and sluggish. BlockWallet nodes are exclusive, fast and carefully maintained for optimal performance and speed, only available to BlockWallet users.


Identity Protection

Node providers receive your IP and other personal data. BlockWallet protects your identity by intercepting requests, removing sensitive details, and relaying only necessary data for transactions.


Pure Reliability

When node providers stop working, so do the wallets that use them. BlockWallet quickly switches to a backup node provider if the primary stops working, so your transactions.

Moonbeam Logo | BlockWallet

What is Moonbeam Network

Moonbeam Chain is like a special lane made for developers on the Polkadot network, which is a popular network for different blockchains to interact. Think of Moonbeam as a bridge that combines the easy-to-use features of Ethereum with the powerful capabilities of Polkadot, allowing developers to create applications that can talk to each other more easily and users to interact with them using the Moonbeam wallet. It lets developers use many familiar tools and languages to build their projects, saving them time and effort. Plus, it has its own utility token, Glimmer, which helps run the platform, incentivizes people to maintain the network, and allows users to pay for transactions. In simple terms, Moonbeam makes it easy for developers to build and for users to interact with the applications on the Polkadot network using the Moonbeam wallet, all while maintaining the benefits of both Ethereum and Polkadot.

What Makes Filecoin Network Different

Ethereum Compatibility:

Moonbeam is designed to be very compatible with Ethereum. It uses the same tools and languages that developers use on Ethereum, making it easier for them to build application

Unified Accounts:

Moonbeam has unified accounts, meaning it uses Ethereum-like accounts which can be accessed and managed through both Ethereum and Substrate (the technology behind Polkadot) methods. This feature allows more smooth and flexible interactions for developers and users.

Balance Transfers:

Users can transfer Moonbeam’s base tokens (like GLMR and MOVR) using both Ethereum and Substrate methods. This gives users multiple ways to make transactions, either through Ethereum-centric tools like MetaMask or Substrate-centric tools like Polkadot.js Apps.

Unique Consensus & Finality:

Moonbeam uses a hybrid consensus protocol based on Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) providing deterministic finality. This means once a transaction is confirmed; it can’t be reverted, providing security and stability to the network.

Distinct Transaction Fees Models:

Moonbeam has distinct transaction fee models for Substrate and EVM layers. This feature needs to be considered by developers for calculating and keeping track of the transaction fees of their transactions.

Security Considerations:

When developing on Moonbeam, there are unique security considerations to account for, such as the existence of precompiled contracts that allow developers to access Substrate-based functionality through the Ethereum API.

Diverse Block Explorers:

Moonbeam provides different kinds of block explorers to query both the Ethereum API and the Substrate API. This allows users and developers to access a wide range of information, including transactions, contracts, and balances related to both Ethereum and Substrate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Moonbeam a standalone blockchain or a part of another blockchain?

Moonbeam is a parachain on the Polkadot network, which means it is a blockchain that runs in parallel with other blockchains, benefiting from the security and interoperability features of Polkadot.

Can Moonbeam interact with other blockchains on the Polkadot network?

Yes, being a parachain on Polkadot allows Moonbeam to interact seamlessly with other blockchains in the Polkadot network, facilitating cross-chain integrations and collaborations.

What kind of applications can be developed on Moonbeam?

A wide range of decentralized applications (DApps) can be developed on Moonbeam, including but not limited to DeFi projects, games, and supply chain solutions.

Can users stake tokens on Moonbeam and how?

Yes, users can stake tokens on Moonbeam. The process generally involves locking up tokens to support the network's security and operations and, in return, earning rewards. The specific staking mechanisms and instructions can be found in the Moonbeam documentation.

How does Moonbeam ensure the security of its network and smart contracts?

Moonbeam utilizes the security features of the Polkadot network and also provides developers with guidelines and best practices to ensure the security of smart contracts. Additionally, Moonbeam may have ongoing audits and reviews to ensure the network's resilience against attacks.

What is the best wallet as a Moonbeam Wallet?

One of the best Wallets as a Moonbeam wallet is BlockWallet. It has a quick Moonbeam network integration and also provides various privacy and security features that take care of users digital assets.

Start with BlockWallet
