Report an Issue

There many reasons why you may want to get in touch with BlockWallet. Please read below and find the best course of action for your situation.

Report an issue

If you believe you have a unique issue, we recommend checking our knowledge base first for a solution. This is often the quickest and most effective way to resolve your issue.

If you haven't found a solution in our knowledge base, it may be helpful to check in with our community on Telegram or Discord to see if others are encountering the same issue. Our moderators are available to help detect any issues and provide solutions to everyone.

  1. Join the BlockWallet server at
  2. Verify your account and navigate to the Support section.
  3. Select the "Open Support Ticket" option under the "#create-ticket" channel.

Please provide as much detail as possible about your issue when submitting a support ticket. This will help us resolve your issue more efficiently.

Report a bug

If you've encountered unexpected behavior in BlockWallet, it may be a bug. Before reporting it, please consider if the issue is affecting other users. If it is, we encourage you to report it on GitHub or to one of our community moderators on Telegram or Discord. Our moderators will assist you in describing the issue and reporting it to our development team.

Please be aware that our moderators will never initiate a direct message (DM) and will never ask for sensitive information like your seed phrase. Keep your information secure and never share it with anyone claiming to be a representative of BlockWallet.

Report an incompatible DApp

We make every effort to make BlockWallet compatible with any DApp out there. If you find a DApp that doesn't work with BlockWallet, we encourage you to report it.

Report an incompatible DApp in our Discord or Telegram.

Submit a feature idea 

We appreciate ideas for new features. Please submit your ideas via the dedicated feature idea form here. Please understand that we run our own research and operate within the constraints of the technology and resources at our disposal. There is no promise any idea submitted will be executed and that there will be any reward for submitting an idea.

Submit a feature idea in our Discord

Submit a partnership proposal

We appreciate new partnership ideas. If you are a project owner or representative, please submit a request via the form below. If you want to suggest a partnership as a user, please get in touch with the project you have in mind and ask them to fill out the form.

Submit a partnership proposal

Start with BlockWallet
